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Why sponsor GB Disabled Strongman?
All the athletes that take part are completely self funded and for the past few years they have themselves paid for entrance fees, equipment, travel, accommodation and many other elements that are needed to put on a show.
To make these events bigger 
and better they need to secure more funding so that the sport can grow inline with its able bodied couterparts.
Every level of sponsorship will assist the athletes in pushing and promoting the sport that they love so
much. Many literally live for Strongman, with it allowing them to reach heights, both mentally and physically
that they never thought possible again, following diagnosis or a life changing incident.
If you require a bespoke solution for sponsorship or have some other way in which you can support
then please get in touch, we are ready and waiting to hear from you.

our sponsors 2023


our sponsors 2022

Samson Athletics
Tru Cyro
Atlas Stones
Pilgrim Athletics
Jetts Gym
Rebel Strength

©2022 GB Disabled Strongman - Site is constantly under construction and as such no comments, dates, events, images, videos, brand identity, quotes, logos or information will leave GB disabled strongman liable. 

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